Celebrating Myself: GraduationI never thought I would actually live to see the day that I finish my undergraduate studies at UCI.May 21, 2021May 21, 2021
It’s My Birthday and I’ll Cry if I Want toAlthough birthdays are a good milestone to celebrate, I’m gonna explain why birthdays are a little more complicated for me, and perhaps for…Sep 2, 2019Sep 2, 2019
Patterns | #5 of #AbroadAdVanturesI know I haven’t written in over two months, but honestly, it’s because I’m living in the moment. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. I…Dec 10, 2018Dec 10, 2018
I Am Enough | #4 of #AbroadAdVanturesBack with another update after almost a month! I really keep procrastinating with these, but it’s actually very difficult for me to…Nov 1, 2018Nov 1, 2018
Turbulence | #3This update is going to be a little different from the past two journal entries. It’s mostly critical reflection of myself and my study…Sep 30, 2018Sep 30, 2018
Settling into Thailand | #2Is anyone surprised that I’m late on my second journal entry on my #AbroadAdVantures? Because I’m not :^)Sep 16, 2018Sep 16, 2018
Beginnings in Bangkok, ThailandI’m finally in Thailand for the fall semester!Aug 31, 2018Aug 31, 2018